The intention of this blog is just to share with you the way God works in my everyday life. I hope you enjoy!

Sunday, September 2, 2012

No Shoes, No Shirt, No (Church) Service?

It is 3:30 am, Sunday, September 2.  I cannot sleep!  Ugh!  What is up with that!?!  I haven't been able to sleep the past two nights, very odd for me.  Usually I have trouble waking up!  There are only a few days during the week that I have to set my alarm and get up at a certain time, unless I just want to.  Sunday is one of those days.  Actually, Sunday is the main day!  The rest of my week may change at any given time, but Sunday is the Lord's Day!  Sunday is a time of worship and reverence, fellowship and study, laughter and tears.  Sunday is my favorite day!  Always has been.  And, Sunday is the day that I get up the earliest.  I like to be up at 5am on Sunday.  That's only a little more than an hour from now.  In reality, I could get ready in a lot less time, but I like to take my time and enjoy the morning.  I like to not have to rush.  I don't want to enter the Lord's house like a chicken with its head cut off, rushing around with more concern over silly little things that really don't matter than what I'm truly there for.

I have loved Sundays since I was a little girl.  I was always more of a tomboy who liked to be outside, especially with my brother.  I would rather have on old clothes that were allowed to get dirty, and not have to worry about getting in trouble.  I would rather climb trees and get a little dirty than be a princess.  Even now, during the week, I always wear "work clothes" that can bear the stains ranging from anything outdoor or farm related to those popular housewife stains such as food, bleach, etc.  Nevertheless, come Sunday I am somewhat eager to be a little girly.  Nowadays, especially, I love putting on a dress, taking my hair out of its usual pony tail, and choosing carefully and purposely from my wide selection of fashion jewelry.  This is my favorite part of getting ready.  My ears have been pierced a second time, so I have two pairs of earrings to pick from, I need a bracelet or two, necklace, maybe a flashy ring, ankle bracelet and definitely a toe ring or two.  Haha!  Sometimes I wonder if people think I'm a contradiction to the scriptures.  I would argue that I am applying them.

 In 1 Timothy 2:8-10, it says:  I will therefore that men pray every where, lifting up holy hands, without wrath and doubting. In like manner also, that women adorn themselves in modest apparel, with shamefacedness and sobriety; not with broided hair, or gold, or pearls, or costly array; But (which becometh women professing godliness) with good works.

I feel that these scriptures are related to being a true witness of Christ.  We are to let our life-not our flesh-speak of who we are.  John 13:35 says they will know that we are His disciples because of our love.  The above verses can be taken out of context and used to enforce people to be plain and basically to blend in.  I don't think that's what Timothy was saying.  I think he was saying by all means stand out in a crowd because you are a follower of Jesus Christ.  But, stand out in ways that give evidence of that, not in worldly ways.

Now that brings me to my argument that I am applying the scriptures. 

And whatsoever ye do, do it heartily, as to the Lord, and not unto men;  Knowing that of the Lord ye shall receive the reward of the inheritance: for ye serve the Lord Christ.  Colossians 3:23&24

I'm sure there are more verses that someone could give evidence that it is alright to adorn yourself with ornaments.  In fact, Isaiah 61:10 says:  I will greatly rejoice in the Lord, my soul shall be joyful in my God; for he hath clothed me with the garments of salvation, he hath covered me with the robe of righteousness, as a bridegroom decketh himself with ornaments, and as a bride adorneth herself with her jewels.  And, this verse kind of substantiates the point I am making.  I am going to the house of the Lord.  I am going to intentionally meet with Almighty God and His people, so I want to dress nicely.  In my life, there won't be any balls or fancy parties, and I'm glad of that.  The reason I celebrate is because of my Lord.

It's really funny how when I was a younger Christian, the last thing I wanted was to be noticed.  Even when I first got married, I only wore a wedding band.  As I have grown in Christ, my image of myself has changed.  I wouldn't say that I am totally confident in myself, but more accepting of myself.  I know that I am His creation.  I know that He makes all things beautiful.  In fact, I don't care if I draw attention-not in an immodest way-to myself because then maybe someone will then notice that it is His love radiating from me not just my earrings sparkling in the light.

One day, all Christians will be called up.  We will be the bride of Christ.  The bride.  Not the wife.  We will be adorned in white linen.  No matter if we feel we are not deserving of a pure white gown, He says that we are.  He will treat us with the love and tenderness of a newly wed bride.  He will have a gleam in His eye as He takes in our beauty and deems us worthy. 

In the mean time, we come to Him just as we are.  For me that would be with some stains of life on my garments.  And, He will make us white as snow.  In reality, it doesn't matter at all what we wear to church.  Tradition has us wanting to wear our best.  I personally think that there is nothing wrong with that tradition if it is for the right reasons in your heart.  If you want to look your best because you love church and you want to celebrate for the Lord, I think that's great.  If you hope to be noticed for your outward appearance, or too feel better than someone else, or to feel like you are doing God a favor, then that is not right at all.  You may fool the person sitting next to you, but God knows your heart.

Sometimes I wonder just where all this comes from.  I certainly had no intention of waking up at 2am.  I also didn't really figure on making a blog post today, whether at 2am or 2pm.  And, who in the world would've thought that the subject of church would've lead me to jewelry!?  Oh well.  Apparently, the Lord lead my fingers to type this for some reason, even if it was simply for my own benefit or just to make you laugh. 

Me on my way to church:  Just kidding!


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