I have been intending to post for weeks now, but haven't really had the chance. In all honesty, it is usually more of a "spur of the moment" thing for me. There are the occasional times when a certain topic crosses my mind and I think, "I should blog about that."
Anyway, on the 22ND, I will begin leading my first Ladies Bible Study. I am so excited! I have been preparing for this for many years, but the actual grind work has been going on for the last few months. I have watched the entire study on video, Beth Moore's "Breaking Free." Taken notes and typed them all up. I have purchased things for "my girls" that I thought would go along with the study and hopefully give them mementos and maybe even needed supplies for this event. Gathered addresses and sent out post cards. This week I have made copies, and copies and copies........Today I punched holes in all of those copies. Maybe on Monday or Tuesday I will get things into the folders. Our church secretary will be ordering the member books on Monday, and then we'll be set.
Tomorrow, a friend from church and I will be heading to Columbus to see Beth Moore at Living Proof Live. I am very excited! I am praying that this will be the reassurance from the Holy Spirit before our Bible Study begins.
You know, about 10 years ago, I had moved home from Lexington where I had studied at UK. After I had been home awhile, I began to feel that the Lord was laying it on my heart to teach women. I began to have a desire to teach an all women's Sunday School class or something similar. Now, ten years later, here we are. God doesn't always do things as soon as they come to our minds. When we have the chance to think on them and begin to feel that it was our idea. He usually waits until we've begun to give up, or blow it off as just a dream, or doubt we ever really had the idea to begin with. Being a Christian amounts to a lot of waiting. I think it's really God waiting on us, not the other way around. We always accuse Him of making us wait, but He really waits for us to "man-up," or grow up or wise up. He kindly waits till we are ready. Such a Gentleman. It's so much like a parent who has a toddler that keeps saying, "I can do it." "Let me do it." "I can do it myself." And, once we try and fail and then put our pride aside, admit we need help, and then demand it, He kindly comes to our rescue, over and over again.
I am not saying that I am ready to lead this study, but I am willing! And I am so thankful that He is allowing me to do it. I pray that He will be glorified!
This summer has been busy, but so much of it has been spent at our church! And that is so cool! VBS, Kids Kamp, and more recently, Youth Week where our youth had their very own revival. They also went to camp, where many of them made professions of faith, and several have been baptised. It has been an awesome summer.
Chase is now back in school. His second year of middle school started last week. He is probably going to be taller than me before the year is over, if not by Christmas break.
So, things are moving right along. The iron weed, golden rod and Joe pie are all out. The humidity has simmered down a little, and the greens have all gotten darker. The days are shorter, and I am anxious to buy pumpkins and see mums blooming. I am just thankful to be alive!
God is good.